Paolo Maino
After a strong meeting with Jesus in 1979, he understands that the faith experience, in order to bear fruits, needs a community itinerary. His wife Eliana Aloisi and father Domenico Pincelli agree with him, founding today’s Via Pacis Association.
According to the conviction that peace is a gift which must be shared, he strongly believes in people and relationships, and in the contribution that each of us can give announcing a hope which doesn’t disappoint. He testifies that quotidianity, when lived in empathy and in communion with others, reveals itself like the ordinariness able to make our life extraordinary.
He has a particular attention for poor people, and for this reason he starts the collaboration between different peoples and cultures, sharing their fight against injustices, sure to build a little piece of better world.
In front of life’s difficulties and challenges, he exhorts to think well to act in a better way.
Convinced supporter of the invaluable contribution which Lays can give to the Church mission and to the progress of society, he encourages to the engagement of a continuous training.