The governance works in communion with and at the service of the communities and the universal Church, to share and spread the culture of peace, solidarity and dignity of each person.

Ruggero Zanon
Via Pacis Italy
He works as a lawyer and he is a member of the covenant of celibate life.

Tiziano Civettini
Vice President
Via Pacis Italy
He is the leader of the covenant of celibate life. He is Deacon in the Diocese of Trento, is married and is a university teacher of theology.

Samuele Cavedon
General treasurer
Via Pacis Italy
He is married and works as a financial consultant.

Giorgia Detassis
Board member
Via Pacis Italy
She is married and works as an office employee.

Martina Sartorelli
Board member
Via Pacis Italy
She is holding a degree in Chinese language and management, she is the social media manager of the Association and a member of the Via Pacis Choir.

Fausta Matteotti
Board member
Via Pacis Italy
She works as an office employee and is a member of the covenant of celibate life.

Julian Ramirez Zuluaga
Board member
Via Pacis Colombia
He is the leader of the Area of South America- Caribbean. He is married and is a teacher of the Catholic religion.