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  3. Prayer

When we pray, death takes distance from us, anxiety runs from hearts, a sense of peace lights up above the chaos of everyday life.

When we pray, we stay connected with Life and nothing scares us.

When we pray, our relationship with God is renewed, and we find the right relationship with the world and with the things coming from the world.

When we pray, everything seems clearer, brighter; our mind opens to the knowledge of God and so we learn how to use his gifts, without becoming slaves of them.

(Paolo Maino, La potenza della preghiera, Ed. Amen)

Prayer meetings

From the very beginning of Via Pacis, there has been a desire to pray together, in the style of charismatic praise, to grow in communion and fraternity, convinced that community prayer strengthens personal prayer and opens one to others.

Each Via Pacis Community around the world has a weekly prayer meeting open to all who wish to participate.

Where we are

Intercessory prayer

Intercession is a special kind of prayer; it means asking God to help others; it is asking Him to act in the history of that person, that family, that sick person…
It brings various situations to the merciful heart of the Father with the certainty that God will make a new way.

Do you need a prayer?
Fill in the form on the side and, in a few lines, tell us your need. Some people will take care of you through the prayer, so that God will watch over you and give you peace.

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Prayer always acts: either it changes the situation or it changes the person in that situation or it does both.

(Paolo Maino, La potenza della preghiera, Ed. Amen)