Support of Katwe’s slum

Nazione: Uganda

Kampala slum of Katwe

Field of action: Main needs

Referent: John Bosco Matovu

CODE: AS 392


Katwe is one of the shanty towns in Kampala, capital of Uganda. Most of the people who live here are unemployed or have only occasionally jobs. They often suffer from illness caused by malnutrition and bad sanitary conditions. They have houses without sanitaries and running water. Each house has to care about its waste disposal but that means that rubbish is everywhere. Rubbish otherwise is often burned, emitting substances damaging for health. This project has the aim to sustain some families, the ones who need it most, by buying them basic necessities and beginning with them health and education programmes about personal and ambient hygiene, that will be then spread to the others.


Inhabitants of this slum that live in precarious economical and hygienic conditions are the beneficiaries of this project. It will start involving a certain number of families but later it will be expanded to many other families.