How we operate

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Canteens for the poors, health and hospitality centers, wells, schools, bakeries, emergency interventions to deal with natural disasters, scholarships and more, show concrete help and closeness to the needs of many communities. The close relationship with our local contacts and the trips to the partner countries have led to consider a different approach in the mission of solidarity: greater care for relationships, deep ties not attributable just to assistance but to an increasingly aware recognition of the equal dignity of each person, to reciprocity rather than to the donation of only one of the parties.

Local contacts

Each action is undertaken after a careful evaluation, taking into account local realities, enhancing and promoting the self-development skills of the communities involved, in synergy with the contact person. This figure is fundamental and indispensable for our way of operating: it indicates the necessary interventions, takes care of its execution, predicts and allows sustainability over time.

Local contacts are therefore known and trusted people; with some of them there is a collaboration that has lasted for more than thirty years, and with all of them relationships go beyond the mere realization of a project.

Awareness raising projects

In addition to international projects, awareness raising initiatives are continuously put in place through events such as concerts and public meetings and evenings with the presence of our missionaries in the assisted countries.

The association is engaged in programs for the involvement of schools, from kindergarten to high school that, thanks also to the help of highly motivated teachers, allows young people to get to know some of the most difficult and dramatic situations experienced elsewhere by their peers.


The activity is largely based on volunteering and this allows management costs to be kept to a minimum. For many years the volunteers had been working at home and then in the temporary headquarters in Riva del Garda. Starting from 2016 the offices were moved to the newly build Via Pacis International Center in Arco (Italy), which is a reference point also for awareness-raising activities aimed at the population in the area.